by - November 04, 2008

.___________________- '''
I know I shouldn't be here, I should be preparing to go out alrdy.

Most probably will be blogging ltr on, after I'm back from mt lessons :D
YAY! last (:
Because meimei went m'sia, compuuuter is mineee ! :D

Ok, going to prepare alrdy.
KKH probably will reach in another 10minutes or so.
But I'm still in my "just-wake-up" look.
Because I am. :X

Miss call me 13times and can't wake me up.
Not I too pig ok! Cause I set mode to vibration and leave my phone far far away lolz!
:D ciaos.

Back, 8.25pm
Dc, Dc Dc again! Idk why internet connection sucks so much today.

Ok, just to update, he arrived very early.
And hence waited for around half an hour siolz . -____-

So, we met up, go cwp buy drinks and the daily routine (POSB&post office)
and then walked to school, 2hours before lesson :x

Went to the void deck thr and slacked O.O
Of course, bad things happened, again.
Well, :X

Sorted out, I supposed.
Thenthen went 806 eat D:
Hehs! and off to school.

Study, study study.
Got a lot of new pple in my class [:
Well, at least peepos didn't change much :X
Mr Du let us off 45mins earlier leh! Siok(:

So after that went to pasar malam buy food (tw sausage andand cheesy hotdog)
:D and he got chicken chop, or sth like that.
Not bad, but the cheesy hotdog very salty.
Then went to staircase there slacked.

LOLS, sth super funny happened.
Got 1 aunty climbed up the stairs and gimme the sibei shock look.
Whateverrrrr :D

Off home after that :D

Probably wouldn't be meeting dear for a few days ba :(
Saddening and depressing, ain't it? :O

But hopefully, on sat. XD

See whether got interesting to blog ltr on.
Ciaos I love You.

Updated wishlist :D
If I could change the alphabet, I would put I and U together!

UPDATED 11.07pm
TMD! Don't want scold also bth alrdy. :/
Keep DC-ing I blogshop also blogshop until sian le.
Stupid internet connection.
DUMBOOOOO .______. '''
I cannot tahan any longer, So rant it out here :O
!!!!!!!!! Hope tmr it wldn't be like that if not I'll die just by dc-ing.

Off com le, if not DC again I need to wait for reconnection to post this up.
Off to sleep, at least this wldn't piss me off .:X
Unless my bed smells :X

BTW, that's random hahs. !
Ok, I'm so random again.
And Idk why I can't stop ranting and ranting, blogging and blogging.
Because I'm damn pissed so my fingers got to do the job and you got to read dumbass shits.
Hahs, but it's entertaining right, in one way or another. :/
And because of this paragraph, you've wasted nearly 3mins to finish reading (at my slowest speed)
But hey, look on the bright side!

I gave you sth to do, which is by reading my nonsense for that 3 minutes alright.
At least you don't have to worry what to do yahhhh (:

And all the best to those who are taking O's tmr !

Not going for that dumb photoshoot alrdy.
For some reason yea.
Poor-er everyday ok :(

Gimme moneeeeh? hahs.
Kel was like, really that pooooooor meh.
Still blogshop buy this buy that, serve you right -.-
And 1 more thing,

Ask me what I'm doing

  1. Blog, blog or blog
  2. blogshop, blogsop
  3. check hotmails.
  4. chatting
Conclusion, rotting, wasting electricity.
DUMB. I missed dinner :O

nights all ILD :D (I LOVE DEAR)

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