by - March 31, 2009

Make A Wish And Wish Tonight

Before I embarked on my lovely post (haaa), I would like to blog something bad, real bad.
Home to realise my door was splashed with ugly, green paint.
I wondered why they're that retard to splash on MY door when I've fucking no business with my neighbour's business and I can never rush them to pay when they have no money and their existence doesn't matter to me to any little bit, yes?

Now, have to spend extra cash to get paint, to get the door painted up, to clean up the mess outside my apartment, definitely time consuming.

They should start using some brains, dude.

Furthermore, they're just wasting their precious money to get paint, and to get man to splash the paint ._. and they might get arrested for what they/he/she did.

Watch you, the world is turning.

(Okay, I don't know whether there's a mistake in the phrase above, just bear with it)

May you splash the paint onto yourself when you carry out this, or fall when you wanted to run away, anything is possible okay.

Okay, enough, :D

So, to prevent such cases to happen again to us, we're installing a surveillance camera outside,

Then, to the people's view.
I can see the disgusted look on passers-by, with such high level of discrimination right into our household.

They must be thinking, "Aiyo, owe loan shark money one, don't go near better if not kena"

Hello, but do anybody knows we're the victim here?

_l_ Pissed,


Tomorrow is one big day. Yet no big plan out.
Will do so tomorrow,

anyway, here to my love.

Baby, listen to me;



1 more day,

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