by - June 02, 2009

Finally, Everything Is Back In Place Once Again.

Hectic MT mock ended in a swift.
Perhaps it's MT that's why.
Many people hated it, but to me, and some others, it's love. :)

So, had MT O's yesterday.
Paper1 should be a okay, but paper 2 spells D-I-E.
So all I can do now is to score exceptionally well for oral as well as LC.
Maybe that will help a little.

So, let's start from where I stop.

My Precious Sixteen. {♥}
Of course, have so replaying to do. so wishes to cancel.
If not I'll never be offical 16.

(kop-ed from may208 archive)
fifteen wishes on fifteen today :D
1. everybody around me stay happy and healthy. consider.
2. world peace. (never will happen)
3. endless supply of money :D (never will happen)
4. good results for all tests :x (never will happen)
5. grow taller, hopefully. a good cm.
6. eat a lot but NEVER get fat. (never will happen)
7. live my fifteen yr on earth, happily. somewhat
8. somebody adorable enough for me to care for LOLS (bfriend) kkh!
9. my eyes be ok again (never will happen)
10. F8 get back like before (never will happen)
11. All my friends stay around me. perhaps it's me myself that dumped them.
12. a cybershot cam, ipod touch, K850i and lappy, preferably (so much of nothing)
13. be read by more more pple :D can cosider?
14 & 15. can i keep it first LOLS. answer, CAN ((: (which I totally forgot about it)

And here's sixteen wishes for Jielin's sixteen;

  1. A1 for chinese MT O level (mentioned)
  2. Do my very best for the coming O's.
  3. Treasure My Love.
  4. Friends Forever,
  5. Grow Another cm or so.
  6. Hair Grow Long&Healthy.
  7. Love To Smile, Always.
  8. Have Some Talent/Capability.
  9. Some Weight Management To Note.
  10. Happier Family.
  11. Scholarship
  12. A Better Brain
  13. Passion To Learn
  14. Some Materialistic Adoring To Do
  15. Love My Sixteen Like No Other
  16. Yes, World Peace.

Sixteen things I wanna accomplished in this year.

  1. Study real hard.
  2. Put in effort in my friendships
  3. Love my love very much.
  4. Do not give up yoga
  5. Exercises more
  6. Regulate study periods.
  7. Able to think on feet.
  8. Overcome some stupid mentality.
  9. Forgo past and look towards loving future.
  10. Not to be so stubborn/harsh
  11. Get rid of excess meat all over.
  12. Accomplish my life-mission (a lot of A)
  13. Change my looks.
  14. Work for money
  15. Live For myself.
  16. Love jielin the most!


Okay, it's getting lengthy.

Anyway, thank you for those who wished me happy birthday,
there's a lot of mention.
Thank you for kh's effort for getting me a birthday cake and a backpack.
thank you shimei for your agar-agar, which turned into water without cooling.
and your nice little card.

Yes, thank you everybody.

Of course, and those who wished me good luck for MT O's.
-Alvin, JJ, Gwende, a lot a lot more :D

June the first;

After MT O's, went to have Buddy Hoagies for lunch.
Tamp. rocks more :D

After that slack around, then went to amk EW catch terminator salvation :D
Pretty good, yes.

I'm lazy now.

Chem SPA tmr.

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