by - July 01, 2009

Honey Gave Me A Count Of Nine

Reply to JunMM: I'm alright! No worries. I'll score very well as I said I would for tmr and make you damn proud haha! 现在我要讲华文。 :)我会好好照顾自己的!

Define Stress: Stress is a feeling that makes you feel you have a lot of things to do and the deadline is drawing closer, but you don't know where to start and how to start.

This is stress.
And jielin is in that category now.


Today the moment I stepped into school I got a "great" welcome by Mdm soh. Laughs.
Lessons was pretty opposite of tedious and love PE so much.
Perhaps it's because I've found my childhood then, lol.

I've awfully embarrassed during chinese lesson anyway,
Stupid nervousness that swallowed me. Z.
Not going to let that get me tomorrow, I swear.

Today we also received schedule for the coming extremely busy life.
With so much coming up one after another, I wonder can I really really cope?

Today is wednesday, which means today is fried food day.
BUT I didn't have any fried food.

Today is the first of the month, which means it's the nine month baby and I've been together.
How time flies.
ILY x many.

Went to LJS after focus and had the freaking combo meal,
then to breadtalk to have the lovely don't-know-what but I just love it.

Practice a little oral in park because I'm trying to adapt myself to talking loudly and confidently to strangers.
Joggers were staring at us when they went pass. LOLS.

I guess, at least I speak a little bit better than before?
(Cause of the super ps practice session I guess)

Haha, shall train again later on by talking out of the window.
Let's see whether the household next block is able to hear me, or not.

To my beloved; 9month will be nothing as it isn't even consider hundredth(1 over 100 incase you don't know. this is learned in P4) of our life we're going to spend together.
So! No great deal, isn't it?
But we both know today will remain very special and important as this is the only 9th month we'll spend together on 010709. no way this is repeating ever after again.
PS: Life with you is not great, it's just exceptionally perfect and I don't know why too.

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