by - May 16, 2010

This a a tradition, I guess I'll just get it over and done with.
Sixteen, really lovable sixteen. I remembered it didn't started great. But at least I wasn't alone haha!

As what I've been doing, I'll check what I set about a year ago from now, and see, how much did I achieve.

(from June archive, Dont ask me why june haha!)
And here's sixteen wishes for Jielin's sixteen;

  1. A1 for chinese MT O level (mentioned) done
  2. Do my very best for the coming O's. sort of?
  3. Treasure My Love. ♥ didn't
  4. Friends Forever, not forever yet can't deduce. :x
  5. Grow Another cm or so. most probably shrink
  6. Hair Grow Long&Healthy. Longer, healthier? but it's getting screwed
  7. Love To Smile, Always. Love to, but didn't hah!
  8. Have Some Talent/Capability Nope, don't think so.
  9. Some Weight Management To Note. Need to gain weight now ._.
  10. Happier Family. Yes I guess,
  11. Scholarship Nope I'm too stupid
  12. A Better Brain Sort of love mine now
  13. Passion To Learn On and off
  14. Some Materialistic Adoring To Do Too much!
  15. Love My Sixteen Like No Other Yes, did but too little
  16. Yes, World Peace. HMM?

Sixteen things I wanna accomplished in this year.

  1. Study real hard. Forgotten
  2. Put in effort in my friendships Not too much
  3. Love my love very much. The wrong time
  4. Do not give up yoga Abandoned
  5. Exercises more Impossible
  6. Regulate study periods. Kill me please
  7. Able to think on feet. A bit better
  8. Overcome some stupid mentality. I did, but more to go.
  9. Forgo past and look towards loving future. Did, but forgo important lessons as well
  10. Not to be so stubborn/harsh Er, a little better but still sucky about this.
  11. Get rid of excess meat all over. Did except flabby limbs
  12. Accomplish my life-mission (a lot of A) Hmm ok la
  13. Change my looks. Plastic surgery? I can't remember why I wrote this.
  14. Work for money doing
  15. Live For myself. Trying
  16. Love jielin the most! Aiming


Okay, for seventeen, I don't know.. wishes again?
(sorry I'm still so childish to believe in birthday wishes)

So do I have to give 17 wishes??? No.
Just a few, important ones. I grow up.

1. Hurt nobody, not even myself.
2. Cherish, care and see happiness from a different point of view.
3. Excel academically.
4. Happy fairy visit me daily. (:
5. Family be safe and healthy.
6. One that is willing to carry a stone (don't understand this? it's okay, don't think a lot of people do anyway)
7. Trust and love.
Just seven.

But there's seventeen things I wna accomplished this year.
1. Going up on stage next year to receive recognition
2. Pursue my passion
3. Enjoy life with friends
4. Smile everyday
5. Let some things be part of the past
6. Do not be affected anymore
7. Hang out more with cute friends :D
8. Dont FML anymore
9. A change
10. Save money
11. Save time
Blahblahblah. this is bullshit
wait till I think of better ones. ._.

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