<♥> I Gonna Leave But I'll Miss You
Time is not right anymore.
Wad's wrong with kids nowadays?
My nephew just asked me to go and die (it's like freaking sudden)
And started scolding the F word.
The society is screwed, I am part of it :/
Back from tuition.
Damn pissed -.- But hell, it's my responsibility to make sure they score well, right?
Before that I must too. LOL
Really hope he could pay a little more attention.
Somebody tell me how to make him sit still!!!
And I'm not even exaggerating.
He's like jumping around, making funny sounds (I don't think it's funny anyway) and laughing like a mad clown. I wondered how I survived the two hours. -.-
I didn't flare up, I repeated for a millionth times and I didn't scold.
I never scold those kids. Good or bad? o.o
Still I can't believe I didn't flare up.
Good good :D
I almost at that time shouted, "I GIVE UP, HE'S BEYOND REPAIR"
However, JieLin isn't that kind of person.
Hold on no matter how hard it is.
Good or bad?
I wonder when I would collapse. LOL.
And OMG I haven't started packing for camp.
Going with comet really turns me off. :/
But ya, I still have to do it!
Today Mum sent me to tuition because I woke up late haa.
Then she was telling me about the recent robberies around my area. LOL
Makes me scared only!
Those people are insane. Stabbed you first then snatch your things.
Heard 1 died, 1 in hospital?
Scary much.
I shall avoid coming home late/going out early.
Maybe I shall like sw, hire a handsome bodyguard LOL.

Outing with people :D
I think I need one more shopping trip.
Basically I took pictures with Viewty (miss that baby)
Ok so long blogger :D
By the way, there's a playlist update :D
So increase the volume and listen to nice nice songs !
(some quality really suck, will search for a better one soon.)
I ♥ tumblr (:
it's really fun there, you get to reblog those awesome quotes :D