by - July 01, 2010

为了爱放弃天长地久 {}

Hello people. Yes I'm running low of pictures so I just kop-ed from tumblr. Can't stand chunks of words.
A summary for summertest: well, I think I did really badly. I'm not procrastinating anymore, not going to be distracted anymore. I'm sacking love out of my life haaaa! Too much for Jielin to take right now.
It's lovely enough for a seventeen to have a bunch of fun peeps and great listening ears. Joy are double around them (insert love)

I changed my blogging style, do you think this is good? Short and sweet no more grandma story. Basically I feel blog is the place I would plain summarised things that happened in the day or memorable events. Wanna know more it's better to do it face-to-face.

HAIIIZZZZZZ I DAMN SADDDDD LAAAAAAAAAA don't wanna talk about that 'thing' anymore! No more regrets from now on!!!!!! okay!

Lessons, hmmm. pretty normal. After school went for consultation. More to go :/ At least reach home before 7. :D

Time to update my wishes!

Watched a super touching MV (again) on youtube just now.
A guy got cancer and he told the girl.
so he put up a show, broke her heart.
The girl left him, after that got married.
And the man died. Y.Y

Life. Homework now now now! Stop procrastinating. Hate myself grr.
I'm having a thing for sad stories and songs right now idk why. Haaa. But I dare not post it up/upload for it will make my blog look gloomy. (-w-)Y Anyhow, I guess sometimes people can't understand what I'm blogging about. Things are actually simple in jielinnnx33, different paragraphs, different things. Some words are damn misleading I know, so don't assume, don't judge if you don't know. Even darling thought I still grieving over dead love. LOL. 
we took the first step yet we backed off at the same time.Ha.

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