by - September 05, 2010

Cleansed Yourself With Laughter And With Tears
Let the tears take out all the agony in you and let the laughter ignite your contagious joy

You will vow to spend the rest of your life with him.
Yesterday went for pw in da morning. 8am.....! I was early! Waited for half an hour for the uncles and aunties. >w< RP for PW. Der left first then followed by Aisy and LaoBin. I went to have lunch with Jiamin (saw her there ^^) and her pw group mates. lol. The Jap food there is good and cheap. :)

Went off after food and bus-ed to yishun. Walked one big round from on side of the gate to the other. Ohh there's something I wanted to post for... 3 months at least. The plot of land beside the condo is sold T__T
My dream house is supposed to build on that piece of land de... :c

After tuition rushed back home, prepared and went off to M'sia. Birthday celebration. The trip to 5th Aunt's house is like half an hour. GAWR.
Talked, took pictures, watched tv, ate lok lok, bbq stuff etc etc. But I didn't get to eat the cake wth? Stayed and talked etc till 1am. Reached Singapore, 2am. Bathed and sleep (mentioned it in previous post already)

Today didn't go for pw meeting. Now doing online meeting with them. Must finish WRWRWRWRWR draft. lol.

Hey I know I'm pathetic, but you don't have to bring me down like this. 
I'm going to walk this route alone, find someone and walk with him for the rest of my life.
I'm not halfway through my life yet so I'm not rushing.

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