by - September 05, 2010

Hi hi I'm not dead yet. Finally reached home and bathed. It's 2.36am nao. Power sleep now and wake up in a few hours time for pw :(

Blog about yesterday later on if I manage to find the time. :/

Or should I don't sleep?

Manz I was actually very upset by something, but that thing will be posted in another place, ^^ it's 1. Upon request then I invite 2. Hack my account (yaaa jk although my password is totally stupid and I think a 3 yo can probably guess uh.)

Btw I've 10 blogs, 1 tumblr, 1 lj and 1 myspace. 10 blogs.. How many do u know of? Hahaaa :) kinda cool uh? But all those are retarded so it's not really necessary to know too :x just follow me on dear-jielin !

Yes I love you too. I wish I can stay so cheerful forever,
Emo bug go away. (fine all these are crap, I can't think properly nao cause it's going to be 3am and I've only 4 hours left to sleep and also I drank a little just now.

Don't feel like going for pw. I'm a human! Need rest too!

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