by - October 30, 2010

I'm bored.
Finally slept all the way to 10am. (y) Finally no tuition on the wonderful Saturday morning.
Am sick. I don't know do you guys feel nauseous like when you do something for a very long time? I do, especially computer. Played 10 minutes of CS and I want to die. Giddy like mad.

Wanna eat something but don't like the lunch. Too weak to cook maggie (the thing I crave for the most at this weird moment)

Rained when I planned to go out. How nice ......

Anyway, I should be on bed doing nothing, praying a bowl of noodles will appear out of nowhere instead of blogging. But I know you will be as bored as me so I shall blog a little boring post to sorta entertain you.

Yes treatment smell nice but imagine the overwhelming fruity smell flooding your nostrils every single second.... Ewwww zzz.

ok let's try to read the chinese textbook. Wait, where's my textbook again?

Totally. no. mood. to. study. To. think. A. levels. is. on. monday.

shall. stop. using. computer. now. or. else. i. will. end. up. buying. random. stuff. again.

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