by - November 21, 2010

Little Things Is Powerful
For little and little they made up great stuff.


Well well, thought tuition was at 1pm today so bathed at speed of light (woke up super late dk why too). Prepared and zoomed outta  house. Saw the bus at the traffic light and I'm still at the top of the stairs. Can't make it so walked all the way to interchange.

In the end tuition wasn't at 1pm so bus back home.
Went out after that to return d his sim and that means I'm offically sim-less. (I can't find mine lah T____T)
Anything just text him first ba hahaaa I find mine tmr.

Then went nearby to get my fringe trimmed. Been so long since I trimmed it.
dear hair, please survive till next year I'm not rebonding you any time sooner cause I'm saving bucks. Haizxz.
Hope saving plan works out, somehow.

Then met tyx for a little while and she complimented me. :) Been a while since we met and she said I changed! For the better I don't care wooo. She hardly ever compliments me lor only suan me. 

Chatted for a while before I went home again, for dinner. Used a hairband, changed shoes etc Rush like mad cow.Forgot to bring something in the end haizxzx stupid me.

Well, the weather is hell humid and I can feel the sweat trapped under my clothes and forming on my skin. (I'm wearing dark coloured long sleeve by the way).

Tuition, had dinner again then bus back to woodlands.
Rushed to pops to get dad's stuff and top up ezlink. Only reached home at ten. You know what, I got the wrong stuff for dad. Can change? Hmmmm.

And I just realised, I haven't do my homework. Garrr I'm going for another round of dinner. Wait don't say I'm fat! Just storing energy you know. D:

1. Headache
2. Save money plan A.

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