by - November 18, 2010

Probably Someday, Someone Will See The Actual Me
Beneath every smiles every once in a while


Hmmmm I've been pretty quiet today although I'm at home, right?! I knew it. Hiakhiak you missed me. *High in the middle of the night*
Well I've been very busy today.

I think I must have whined about lazybum jielin too much that's why god turned me into clean and neat jielin. Good thing x1
I packed my room (Yea I guess that's my entertainment for my whole life) Removing layers of dust (Not joking here) and perhaps if you're following you probably knew I shifted my bed blahblah. Lots of cleaning up to do.

Well, let's start with my table area, which I spent 9999/10000 of my time at the tiny little corner.
I don't have to show you guys a before picture, that's probably the same you see in every before picture. Everything here and there blah. Basically it's like the picture I posted before this with lots of other irrelevant stuff lying all around. Had to clear/throw old stuff to make room for new one. Love the extra space now.
So this is the final result.

Not much difference from usual. Just earpiece attached. The pink baskets are for notes but ite it is a place to chuck unwanted/homeless stuff. Will clear that pile next time. Not super tidy but Imma proud of it! Spent a good few hours okay! Btw the purple thingy on top of the pink basket is my mask to keep the dust from my nose. It's bad for health, yea.
And the bunch of bunnies are from JJ! Not sure I blogged about it before or not but yea. It's cute okayyy :D Opps and you can see my blogger page on my screen. Heheee.

Moving on, under the table. Shifted everything under the bed to under the table woooohwooooh.

From left, masks, ampoules which I haven't finish. D: Behind is wrapping papers from people. Hahaaa Yes I keep wrapping papers. I file them btw. Those are there cause I don't have the time to file them, next time next time. Really appreciate those who wrap their gifts. I will not tear them usually. And feel super xin tong if I tore them during unwrapping process. Heheee. This is just my style I guess. People think I'm weird but whatevs, I like. I feel that the sender spent so much time choosing papers, maybe even wrapping something fanciful and the moment you receive your gift, you just tore it apart without noting the efforts they spent in wrapping is sooooooo ... .bad (can't find a better word). Sometimes I will wrap them back that's why I've loads of unwrapped presents on top of my shelves.

So a bit sian I hardly wrap things for people and when I do, I see them tear away just like that I damn sian.

If next time I wrapped something for you, be honoured okay!

White box: Blings,
Orange-black box: Some new clothes
White plastic bag: Ex-es stuff
black bag (you most probably can't see very clearly): some new undergarments
1st shoe box on right: Wires/cables/ mic etc
the rest: Some new shoes
And there is also my Apple's box and Viewty box.
I like to keep boxes heheee.

There is supposedly a luggage for my make-up etc but I moved them to drawers.

2nd drawer sneak preview heheeh. I sent a lot of time categorizing them okay!

Moved all my removers and new facial washes/hair/body stuff to 3rd drawer. Gonna donate the stuff that used to be in there. Or maybe throw away. It's just boliao bags/wallets/pencil cases. Now, the drawers are put to good use. I like. Half more boliao stuff to clear next time.

Let me end with.....

Not iphone casing though my sist mistook it as one. I like this a lot :D

Well you find this post is pretty boliao/lame right? Hmm I'm just trying to share what I like to do. It's like achievement for me okay. Packing my room is like, a sloth moving at top speed. Once in a blue moon. THAT explains why I'm always so happy/proud of the outcome cause I spent a lot of time and effort on it.

Something to rant about, THE SHOW LAG LAG LAG LAG UNTIL CAN DIE.
I'm so pissed off. 1 sec - lag - load a while - play for 2 sec - lag - cycle repeats. GAWR.


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