by - November 24, 2010

Surprising Wooden Mooncake With -.- Face And Tumour In Her Hair

Didn't pay attention during lecture. Hellllllllll. After school accompanied sm for a while before we left. Lied our way, braced through thunders, storms and wind, arrived at yue's house. We are superb. Hope she likes her present and the thing I made hohoohoo! I'm super bad at crafts and stuff like that so I hope it's acceptable. :D
Did that at 2am while watching grudge 3 (USA version) and it's totally NAWT freaking me. Haizxzx movies nowadays. But jap version is awesome, You know, Ju-on?
In case you don't, I've attached a picture for you.
Wait... I think you better goggle them yourself cause I don't want midnight readers to jump upon reading this hahaha.
Not that scary la aiyo.

A super cute note behind :D 
HAPPY Q SEVENTEEN, which also means hapPYQ seventeen.
Pretty creative right?! Totally can be creative director faster somebody give me an award for that.

Hope Apple upload the video taken. 
Slacked at her house, which is a convenient store in disguise. Food, food and more food. The best thing is nobody eats them. So.... call us anytime we will be there ahahaha!
Maomao didn't bark at us, must be due to my friendly aura. tyty :D

Home after that cause she got a date. Hate squeezy buses. They are as turn-offs as raining when I'm going out/outside.

Alright, decided the drafted post wasn't good enough, minimal writings and most of them are crappy stuff so here's a updated one! :D

This birthday post was supposed to be up at 12am on the 24th but due to hiccups in life. Yea.

Anyway today featured in jielinnnx33 is,
PHUA YUE QI AKA MOONCAKE WITH A DIAO FACE. (That's her signature look and definitely one of the looks I like hehee)

So, why that?
1. Yue qi, something to do with moon. As of why mooncake there's two reasons. Forgot one of them. Anyhow the second one is cause she's born with it.
2. She always gives her -____- face. And it's -_____- literally, accompanied with the coldest laughter you can ever heard of. (elaborate on that later on )

And so I photoshopped her picture a little trying to paint that signature face but it's hard, hard, hard to the max I tell you.
Spent like god-damn 1 hour and still fail. Well, hahaaaa she looks like a hamster that has nuts stuffed in her cheek. Greedy hammi. ^^

The look I'm trying to create is,
Something like this? But with rounder face and straighter eyes.

Yes, this. 2nd one from right.

But hard leh.
her face totally can't be photoshopped but on the brighter note, she looks so much better than the hammi, right?
TOTALLY don't look like her but that's fine. this will be how she looks 50 years later after plastic surgery, contact lens and botox, kapping the bag we got her walking on the streets. Not bad leh? :D
But seriously, I can't figure out, what is weird? WHAT?
Sickening when you know something is different/not right but you just can't figure out what.
Even the most observant person (aka me) can't see haizxzx life. 
I think this looks like bridgette wong. (is this even how you spell her name?).
Just my 0 cents worth.

Anyway, Happy birthday yueyue :D 
Well, you're indeed one of the nicest people I've met on Earth. Practically no attitude, extremely friendly and born with good brains and looks. Woooh (not like the above okay)

1. You have the most epic jokes for example “我不信邪,我姓潘”(okay idk how to write your pan D:)
2. Signature expressions (as mentioned above)
3. Weirdest laughter. Notice she laugh via sucking air in and that makes her sound like a toad ps ar but it's true leh.
4. Tumour in hair, (it's in the blood, checked)
5. A nerd but totally not one.
6. Mu tou cause don't think she feels a lot of emotions
7. and many many more

Happy seventeen! Hope you like the surprise we planned and the presents we got for you!
And don't sad over getting older, happy birthday once again. (:

 Girls =

PS for lousy editing. She's naturally beautiful just that I feel like trying to edit some people with zoom in pictures and she has millions of them, I swear.

PS, edited this post for the 5th time cause I found some sentences with weird phrasing and I'm scared people will misinterpret and also, spelling + grammar error. I will find more if I read through again for the nth time but I'm so tired. Need nap now. Totally. Before Physics. D:

It's tmr! I'm eggcited!

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