by - February 28, 2008

things are turning out great. : D
and it will get better over time x3

-started sch in such a hurry.
didn't managed to wake up.
was too tired after the RENFRED thing.
gald that he's all right now.
god bless ((:

went sch with jie and mei.
well, reach around 7.15p.m and i went frantically searching;
for that damn kooweiler.
wanna ask him abt ren.
but in th end cant find. went to ahgong's

slack slack a while then walk aimlessly,
hoping to find someone to talk to.
then blah blah. after tiffy they all came, chatted.
blah blah~ pissed sarah off cus i told her i'm visiting ren tmr.

sat in hall for omms(is it?O.O) by yongkang..
quite meaningful i guess : D
and got ready for SR.
knew about the person who wna bomb changi airport tower escaped;
gotten scared =.= well, naturally reaction.
read quite alot of the newspapers and back to class.

off to humanities lesson. ALONE. lmao-,-
thanks to kaiyuan again. i guess you're sick once more.
takecare of yourself laas ;DD

got back history paper, and managed to score 16/22 (:
it's MY achievement ok !
joel scored better, : ( well, i ain't strong in histroy anywys.
kaiyuan, you got 12(: it's good alrdys.

after that is maths, and miss ng started off with a new chapt.
it's confusing i guess,
but i got things sorted out during my first AMATHS lesson today (:
thank god isaac is still joining Amaths.
i have somebody to talk to at least (:

was rather late for recess :
no table hence sit in canteen.
noisy laas. dumb.
went to eat jap. food, at 1st not nice budden taste nicer aft a while.
hmm. actually wanted to get milo from th machine de.
budden th cher go off th power. damn,
and i bobian went for appletea instead.
take it as charity laas (:

right after went to MT.
for compre practice right, managed to pass :
17/25; ya, it isn't that good.
kaiyuan,, ermm, i forgot yours :X
and i sat there ALONE, like a loner for th fking long 90mins : (
credits to kaiyuan's illness. blahs.
dudu was telling us abt this trip to GUAN AN(i think so :x),china.
decided to go and my mom was like,, SEE 1st.
lmao -.-
hahas. i wna go laas :(
cus paul going ma O.O
he so cute lo !! hahahs.
he's niceeeeeeeeee .
i got his number but i lost it .
supposed to sms him today.!
H E L P !
help me , who else has his number please sms me !!

went back for chem & when miss wong reached me and pearly immediately asked if can go toilet.
hahhas. she was like'mei you liang xin leh, haven't even greet me'
then greeted and went to 3rd storey's toilet.
packed with girls, yes =.=
after the toilet trip went back to class for speed test.
well, i guess i'm gonna flunk it.
it's all right:X
then got to know jaslene lost her phone and moneh $$
siiting at her place is:
`fengshan;jenny(beside) :O
but miss wong said they nvr. well, who will say she took?
but i'm saying who took it. i'm just posting on what's th fact.
it's complicated. and we went to find mdm soh during bio (:
i was practically sitting there when i can go up for lesson :X
saw shihui(sm mei) cus her friend also lost here wallet.

it's getting really dangerous nowadays so pple!
do watch out for your belongings and safety:X

back to class just before th bell goes.
scored A2 for bio.
: ( lmao .
cha yi dian jiu hit A1.
yi dian leh. really !!
haiis i guess i will work harder during mid-yr.

after sch back to class for th camp performace.
well, i guess things are progessing well.
sarah came to find me and we discussed alot of shits tgt.
plan to PRACTICE on sunday ahahas. (:

went cwp slacked around with rah and mrt-ed to tuition.
slightly late.:X
and i enjoyed my 2hr lesson thr.
:DDDD it was great.
i learnt so much laas ;DDDD

after tuition; raining.
haiis damn sickening canns.
i hate rain. it wets my BOOKS
so bobian went shelter way until waiting to cross th road.
th cars was like. shits.
so many laas :(
but managed to cross;

you know what made me happy today? hahahs.
some of us waited for th freaking bus for like 45mins liaos.
then they went to mrt there take mrt to cwp
as you know, i don't LIVE in cwp
so i continue to wait
one malay mdm and her son went to catch a cab.
she offered me a ride.

i mean, she doesnt look evil and i knew i can trusted her (:
hence she cab-ed me home (:
super nice laas.
i'm damn happy .
if it weren't them, i wldn't reach home so early:X
i'm really lucky to meet you today (:

and this shows the kind side of people.
though not everybody wolud offer another help,
but i managed to meet this one.
well, thankyou; god for taking care of me :DDD
and bless you, mdm.

there are kind souls around (:
be one of them by offering your hand to pple in need.
they would remember forever.
and maybe someday, they might repay your kindness.

takecare all (:

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