by - April 12, 2008

i changed blogskin. it's getting simpler, or you can say, i'm getting lazier :X nevertheless, it's still this pretty (: because it's coloured PINK xD

in the previous post i neglacted quite a lot of things, adding somemore in.
ermm. let me see, first let me talk about jinwen (:
hahahas ;D he's damn fun to talk to laas ;D it's cool to know him. (and his maple character's hair ugly) seriously, i took a close look at it and found out that --- lmao, yucks. so er xin the hair is curly.! one bush of curly hair. lmaolmao gonna tell him this somday.
*he seriously need a haircut* & you can forget about the 'wanting to get this hairstyle' thing i mentioned ;D

and as you can see, i changed my blogging style as well. kinda sick of the way i typed. always made my post lengthy, but easy to easy. well, responses? and i emphrasize on the things i wna convrey to you pple by bolding, changing font color, etc? tag me for replies allrights :X

and what else? i still nidda edit on my blog, but i don't think i have the precious time to do so.
MYE's coming, so sorry guys and girls :X
promise will update like.. at least 2-3 times per week allright.
till midyr over.

now i shall end off. cus it's like nearing 1am and tmr i still need to go to school for the speechday :X

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