by - May 23, 2008

:D i changed my blogskin. xD
super cool right (:

unhappy stuff: xi`an trip is cancelled :( SAD LAAS! we've been looking forward to it for DAMN YOU long alrdy. how can?!
but it's a fact that will never change already. HAIIS.

unhappy stuff 2: smacko. went sch and got my report book. super lousy laas ;( first time in the history. LALA :( haiis. i shall work hard. and today at least i voiced out wad i wanted to.
And, I am still, as weak as before. Fifteen doesn't means I've mature yet. :x but i'll :D

unhappy stuff 3: CHICHIfam! dun liddat! haiiyo. make me trouble also. we'll brave through it de laas ;D let's hold on to the faith .(:

Happy stuff: Went out to get IC today :D LOLS (: and shop in cwp a while with mom.
bought muchy donuts home (: and a pack of organic soy milk. :D it's super nice ! :D
it's having promotion now so you can get it in NTUC ;D

Happy stuff 2: I got a job. :D working tmr lur. (: in s'pore expo hall 5 stall SA20 (: come visit me lur. i'm working from 12-6pm. :p blah. thankyou weiloke.
but was kinda sad shimei cant make it w me as there's only 1vacancy. still looking for jobs (:

Happy stuff 3: finally set up my blogspot+shop (: i'm gonna work hard for it :D

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