by - June 09, 2008

-My Email
Hong Kong Export And Trade Co.
Tokyo 108-0073,Japan.
Ref No: HK/REP/014

Thank you for showing interest in working for Hong Kong Export & Trade Co., We hope this will give you a taste of how passionate we are about our business, plus all the information you need to make a decision about working with us. We've lots to tell you about a successful, fast-growing export company. The rapid rate of change means that it's the perfect place for people who want to be part of a dynamic, world-class organisation, which is setting the pace on exciting challenges in the market place.
I want you to understand that by this you will be required to act as our representative in your country. You will be required to disburse and receive funds on our behalf with a commission of 10% on all transaction carried out by my firm in your country.You do not have to go out as you will work as an independent contractor right from your home office. Your job is absolutely legal. You do not need any capital to start.
To authenticate your representative status please provide us with the bank where you intend to process payments when received from our customers... Please provide only the bank name... No bank details is requested.
To continue with the application, please complete and reture the underlisted questionaire. As soon as we receive this information we will expedite actions on confirming your representative status of this company.
First Name:
Last Name:
Complete Mailing Address:
Home Tel No:
Cell No:
Fax No:
Company Name(If any):
Bank Name:
Additional information about yourself:
Best Regards,
Mr. Botan Hiroshi.
Hong Kong Export & Trade Co.,

Sounds like a scam, doesn't it? LOLS. Still wondering whether I should fill up the form a not. :x

-daily life.
didn't went out with CHICHI's as I have to meet shimei to pass her the Ear plugs.
But her band got something cropped up so we decided to meet out other times.
Promised them to find them while they're working. (:

Then tmr I'm going out with ahgong, gym first.
Then after that meeting jun meimei & jasGirlf. for breakfast in Admiralty mac.
But jun meimei& honghong got attachment in cwp tmr.
*PS bangDD got work that day, hahas ((((:
I really miss them lur.

my rosnah mummy, kok chin daddy, iron bear uncle, jun meimei, bangdidi, bifen jie, szesiongkorkor. <3 class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_32">Haiis.

My Mac fam. (: I really treasure the times we had. Full of troubles at times, but every single moment is so so great. WHY? things changed alrdy, nobody can stop it, anyway.

Special note to bangDD (: - Seriously, you're a great great great great friend. For all I can remember, it's you who had been through all with me, (Plus jas la).
You were the one that pei me home after work. Eat double cheese burger with extra extra onions without pickles. (and you got your EXTRA EXTRA ONIONS). Help me go dumpster, slack with us no matter how late. Bought me my first pair of heels. :D love those memories.
After I quited, we lost contact already. I sms-ed you yet you never reply, what's this?
Missing all the times we had.. Please don't forget this friend of yours. HAHS. I wldn't bully you alrdy laa :X

Then noon liddat meet DDX to celebrate our one year anniversary ! sounds serious? No doubt.
Bishan, J8, our destination. Doing what? Haven't really plan yet.

got 1 fucktard called my mei and end up finding me, If i'm not wrong.
But seriously, I dont know him ok. He talked cock with me can!
What if a guy zhen xin to you, you also don't care right? Like FUCK.
No guy is zhen xin to me btw, so shut the trap up.
Then he say I'm the most "ca jin" person on Earth, OH WELL. whtever.
You think I'll give a damn to what you commented? Who really cares !
I got so pissed that I scold and jump like mad after hang up.
So what if I forgot him? LOLS like I MUST REMEMBER.
I rather remember my dog's name than yours ok.
I so lousy why still contact me? I don't need you, even as a friend.
Grats, you're the first little pathetic bastard I got so angry with.
DAMN YOU. In just one morning you made me scold so much vulgarities.
"Beware I tell you bastard, I'll get teddy to screw you with a blunt stick if I find out who you are"

My dear blog readers, I so pissed! Sorry for all the vulgarities.

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