by - August 21, 2008

yo! *ps changing bs soon o.o*

Today after school pei-ed ahgong go find flu vaccination :x
polyclinic closed, silvercross very ex, SATA (i hope spell right) no more stocks.
WADTHEHELL? lols but had a great day with ahgong.

P/S: Ah gong said my blog VERY wordy. Cut short cut short. No more naggy stuff.
:D AND! 9 more days to shandong ! .

HEHS. ;D happy not !

No pic these few days, :( very busy laaaaaaa . haiyo.
Sat going shopping thn sunday also.
Have to pay for a lot of things. and tmd.
the supplier nvr reply me.
(not tw sprees d, is the mickey mouse d)
faster reply la bendan. Fuck asshole.
No you also can find other pple.

I haven't pack.
and mr max sent me home today ! :D after tuition hehs.

Liting&kaiyuan: made in china also nvm la. Haiyo go look around what thing not made in china ? LOLS. don't tell me japanese. 0.0

I'm happy because I am. I don't need another reason to be so.
I'm lucky because god bless. I don't need you to love me.
yet sad to say you're the reason for my smile.
Stupid girl this is so wrong.

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