Killer Heels

by - October 14, 2008

I really don't know how,
How to be a better girlf.
So, I guess I've to spend the night figuring out again.
D: Will this ever come to a happy ending?
Give me more Faith.

One, Two, Three,

Little Now&Then; Making Up Our Memories.

My heart smiles, because I Love You (:
Supposed to meet my dearests for shopping spree but end up walking separately.
I know I know, I've been neglecting my dearests, sorry sorry :x
So meetup dearests & off to bugis.
They went off to shop for their things while I spent time with kkhui (:
Hahs, Well, pretty cool.

:D Had mac for lunch, thenthen we took neos D:
Damn stiff, hahas, but I look ok there.
1 sad thing, I lost one of the neoprints !! :(
Holycrap, if you find it, please return to me laaaaaaa :(
I must have dropped it in the slacking place. D:

So, with one, gone D:

went to bugis-street, in search of my extensions.
&I decided not to extent anymore (:
Kinda regret, :x
Well, I can do it when I've more spare cash ((:
&I wondered when that would be.
Going to snip some hair off. :O
I can't bear to.

After that went to sit outside Topman,
My heels are killing me! again. ._.
I wish I can be as pro as Miss Wong lur! Why doesn't it hurt for her?
tmd -.- maybe because she nvr stand for nearly an hour to get to bugis.

Got an accident there! omg!
The taxi hit a car, I think.
I can't see, because...

While sitting outside Topman, my contacts hurts like shit.
So, I took them out, without a second thought, threw them into the rubbish bin :(
EEEEWWWWWW ._. I shouldn't have do so you know.
No more contacts! :( Waste $30 this month . ;_;
More monehhhhhh pleaaaseeeee o.o

After that went to wallet shop, got wallet(((:
Chio pinnnnnk :D
kkhui also got his, LOLS
Not gay ar, although brand is "ozozo sac" or whatsoever D:
We got similar ones! ((:
Hehs, of course he's not in pink. O:
Kinda cool yea, couple wallet? Hehs ;D

Hehs, After that, happy happy, went back to the slacking place.
LOLS, and that's why I lost the neoprinnnnt :(

Then went off to meet buyer,
kns the SMRT got problem again.
train delay&delay
Dammit, my feet hurts like fuck&I've to stand there for the whole trip.
Luckily I have kkhui if not I would have collapsed.



After many failed attempts, I got this nice one here :D

I don't usually 'paint' my background, but I caught something that I'm not supposed to on it.

esp with the picture :D
( my fingers looked kinda short, idk why )


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