by - December 28, 2008

I'm Glad I Have Love And Care, All Along

Yeah, I admit that at times I felt my life sucks.
Everthing's not in the right place, everything is wrong from the start.
Seriously, I don't know why I'm working hard, when nobody actually appreciates it.
Especially the ones that's supposed to be the closest to you.

I don't know when I stop crying over stuff.
Perhaps I've grow up, think through them uh?

But everytime when reminded, it hurts a little, tear a little more.
What kai said make sense, really really.

For the first time, I actually plead God for everlasting friendship,
with you, my dearests.
I seriously can't bear to think that O's are coming, we are graduating.

I don't want to be like this de! :(:(:(
kaiyuan lah! your fault!


And I've finally done up my blog profile, which I've been neglecting for ages.

Mom's not sponsoring my shopping spree tmr, which is kinda bad and turns me off.
I wonder with my cash on hand how many pieces can I actually buy? How many decent pieces?
Maybe I'll try my luck again later on, if not shopping EOY cancelled.

I don't wanna see things I love yet unable to own it.

And I feel good turning down shopping with my dad (I don't want to with him because I'll get more nagging than shopping)

Online shopping isn't a great choice now, because I bought things from a blacklisted shop.
And this means I might get scam again.
I hate scammers they think my money drop from sky is it?

Fuck you.


Urgently clearing in JLS, :D

Do visit and help me out!

and chinese is damn difficult! I only did typing of question.

oh one more thing before I go,
I've decided, if I work hard next year, I'm going to get myself something I love (:
And till then, let's keep it low.

And my bunnies in exchange for my A,

Natalie - Going Crazy -

chance by this song in liting's blog, the vid is awesome (:
you should play it, although it takes me a million years to do so,
good stuff must wait!

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