by - December 22, 2008

What The Fuck,

Sick for the day, and yesterday. Running fever, so I didn't update.
Feeling much better now, :D

And something angers and disappoints me so so much.
read here please.

I don't know what to say anymore, but i'm scammed and flamed?

Bitch, the right is always here ok.
(i try to control my anger and amt of vulgarities used)
If you really didn't do it, nobody will be spamming and "deflaming" you alright.

and whoever that's dumb enough to purchase from that blog is indeed, dumb.

enough of everything, not going to let her spoil my post, my mood, my happiness. :D

met kokhui today, he went to sk to help me meet up, :D
Then went to cwp popular get books and stuff.
Successfully met quite a number of people for cutie items.

(: am glad about it,
hunger pangs are hitting me again, sickness doesn't make me lose weight, at all.
In fact I might have another few pounds added instead :(:(
Not happy not happy about it.

I'm scared to height&mass (:D) when school reopens.
what's bad is, no gain in weight and height.
worse is, you gained weight but gain nothing in height.
worst is, gained weight somemore shrink! :(:(

hope none applies to me, I've to do my jumping now,
byebye :D

Been looking at cameras just now, sony T20, what's your say? :/

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