by - August 10, 2009

Somehow, Or Somewhat.

I finally insert something called "tagboard" at the side of this dying blog.
Yes, need some voices around to cheer this blog up :D

I'm having a long break from school,
but I kinda dread staying at home. It'll be all the same, wasting all my 24hrs, watching youtube, playing random games etc.
Nothing will come out good anyway.

When I'm back in school, most probably I'll be hit with the worst things: Olevel MT results and prelims' results, I supposed. So this holiday is the time for me to be mentally prepared.

So I went to join SPbuddy @
Personally, I think SP is the best poly in Singapore and if my JC dream failed, I'm moving to SP for good.
So, I guess joining it now will be good :D:D
Furthermore, there's goodie bags etc etc!

Everything spells good.

I'm going to my rotting routine right now, so see you.
TAG ME TO BE LINKED AND! Tag me for good!

Anyway, Happy belated birthday to both Singapore and IronBear (:

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