by - September 10, 2009

The Little Things With You Help Me Concluded A Word

Yesterday was 090909; A sent me a message to remind me to cherish what I've around. Thanks.

Appreciated that time sent with koh. Very meaningful.

I bet you people spend this day wisely, the best way, I supposed.
So smile for it! Remember it.

Very lucky to experience this. Because for the whole of Earth's dates, I get to spend this day, meaningfully.

My point of view.

Oh, mentioned about considering plastic surgery right?
Guess where?
Although I'll love to have sharp and small nose, or better curve (-.-), or smaller and sharper chin, No, not these.
Teeth. Yes I'll get my teeth done.

I heard is like adding a layer of 'something' and it will be near perfect.
No braces, too long too painful for jielin.
I'm always impatient and such slow things ain't made for me :x
So yes, preferably by twenty-one.

Then I'll have celebs' smile! :D


Went back to school for msTan's lesson. Wasn't bad, minus off the seating at the back of the class. A little change in seating arrangement. So I literally have to half sit in order to catch a view of the whiteboard.
You know, short body.

So Jiamin helped to shift my table out a little and I didn't get block by heads~

PS pearly and nat, the two coming b'day girls.
So sorry, plans keep cancelling.

Must have been dissappointing for ya, But advance HB!

" Beatitude Is That Word "

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