by - July 08, 2010

懂得拥有却未必能让你为我停留 []
还是别再想了. Love comes before pain

Schoooool pretty slack today. (L) today cause tmr no school. Maths lecture was totally crap. Tired like a freak and surprisingly, physics lecture was okay o___o Had strawberry yogurtz with fruits again :D Love that thing. PW was practically a slacking period. Didn't do much, listening to songs with shimei's awesome earphones. Ms Goh didn't come today (Y) free period. Did chem and read horoscope with girls. lol. And they were like trying to arouse each other -_____- Went to wrong venue for chinese so practically wasted 1 whole period hahahaa. Did listening practice then went off for P.E.

I guess the highlight for today is.. PE :D I didn't know about the elective thingy y'know! We were assigned to golf! Dammmmmmn nice, :D Had a hard time getting the posture right but yaaaa I will make it! My lefty very suan the club very heavy. LOL And we were like digging holes in the field - you can check the pretty designs out :D Going to training range for practice after 10 weeks! By then must at least hit gracefully hahahaa! And this goes to my wishlist >

Slacked, studied a litle for Chem FA, did chem FA.Went home. Realised route from school to home only lasted about 5songs max. I shall time next time hahaa! Been a long and tiring day. Needz food and sleeeeeep!
Tmr will be busier!

Morning have to go hospital. Nobody believe me siaaaaa. I'm seriously going there okay. I need to go check-up :( suspected something nasty growing inside.... Welllll...
After that most probably tuition thenthen meet girls for movie :D And college day musical at night follow by... pool. ^w^ Hopes everything goes smoothly. Love no school day! Was forced to go for college day cause Mr Ong got tickets and no one in our class is interested. Nice. Sponsored by Mr Ong... but I think I pay better. Thanks we got a nice CT (: so longgggg. blog later!

Oh last thing... help me click on the ads *points to right side of blog*! Love youuu!

Guilty... I'm apologetic, really

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