by - July 25, 2010

Errrrr why Ris Low is cheering for YOG? Seriously, I think there are better girls out there. -.- Disgrace.
And forgot to blog about this! How can I forget! u've to re-read again to find the part I added in. not awesome cause there's millions of vulgarities. Angry.!

 I'm Not Even Sorry For Not Caring, Get Over It

Siao I almost downloaded a virus. Almost. Heart jumped out already :/
Alright I did sleep a ltitle. 3 hours? lol gg not sleeping early tonight too. Haiizxxz. I walked around with eyes close whenever possible. Power nap :o

Woke up, met darling. Talked and arranged some stuff. Then sent her to bus-stop. Home and prepared for meeting. Took train to bishan > paya labar > bedok. G double o d j o b goodjob x2 to jielin ^^. Didn't get lost in paya labar. I'm damn bad with directions.. Hahaha! I just follow the majority and jumped into the train with more people . :D Waited for xt at bedok, walked there. Had mac big breakfast while meeting. D: Jolene was late but it's alright. Our project is taking shape. There's so much to do already. LOL Packed maximum.
Walked around for inspiration. xt and Jolene went off first while I stayed on for solo shopping. Didn't get a lot of things, just a little.

Trained to bugis aftermath. And I totally regretted wearing long sleeve. -.- Stuffy like mad. Was groped by some freaking asshole idiotic man. (in bugis street)-.- Fml. And today I finally understood wad is 'packed like sardine' Was groped again on the train and I can't fucking move away. WTF. I keep pushing the woman in front but she's like rooted to the ground and I have to bear with this humiliation for a few minutes. Saw his fucking face through reflection. When I finally managed to turned he's like gone _|_ I'm not taking trains during peak hours anymore. Or at least when I have boyf. around. Fuck those retards wth. The first time in my life I'm like touched by fucktards. I damn angryyyyyyyy! Went up to 2nd floor for aircon. Spent 40 there. Got some stuff. And a stupid watch. Ok kinda cute. $5. Till I have enough moneh for my eye candy, this will be my substitute. ^^ Like this is the best really. Others are.... errrrr. ahaha. I need to keep time in check so I guess any will do the job, for now.

Oh talked to a stranger there. Ok not exactly a stranger. I was browsing a shop and he sort of started the conversation. LOL. He don't believe I'm seventeen. (fine I got cl face ahha), studies in Jc and called jie lin (cause he's called jie wen, same jie somemore ^^) Lol. Funny. Talked with him and 2 other shop keepers. Spent so time there before going back to adm. Walked to tuition. I feel damn guilty!

Good to spend some time alone once in a while. oh and today I saw like god damn 20 over couples. Is today valentines' day or what? Lol.

Bath and homework and food now. I kinda like how packed and quiet my life is now ^^

Oh forgot to blog about chalet. Basically just had fun, catch up and fell asleep on the chair while waiting for dad.
And, aunt asked me to bring boyfriend home. Loool funny. (:

wake up retard. Stop sleeping.

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