by - November 18, 2010

Hand The Responsibility Of Staying Happy To One Person In Your Whole Life {}
And that person is no one but you yourself


Hello! A weird timing to blog, I know. It's like evening, my napping time. See I actually made an effort to blog for you. Faster say you're super touched! Haahaa!

Today is a fine day. (minus the rain). Went to school in the early morn for interhouse games. And ridiculously I am in 7-legged game shit. Whattheshit they didn't even bother to ask and just fill your name in? I don't like so I pon. I didn't promise them in the first place okay too bad.

Anyway somebody fed me with horrible happenings that may/had occurred during that game, like a girl split or what during camp. I don't wanna risk hahaa.
So after attendance went off with some peepos. Funny everyone turned when they saw a group of teachers approaching. In the end successfully made it up to 3rd storey. The usual slacking place when it comes to interhouse competitions shit. Well well. I'm not sure of the results I think Taurus won something? Hmm.

Anyway up there we MD again. Lost like a prata (Ya don't ask me why like prata just feel like saying heheee).

Weiloke the ultimate. Fine he won with 10 sets of properties. GAWR DON'T LIKE. Had cheesecake he baked. Nice.

Aftermath went down for a quick lunch? hmmm then off to LT1 for talk. I swear I'm going to work hard for J2! The good thing is everyone in 12A promoted!
Hmmm I know my results quite suck EXCEPT for econs idk what happened. NEVER EXPECTED THIS BUT I LIKE! On the brighter note, I promoted + no homecoming. Miracles do happen. ^^

So next year I got my goals? I hope I do achieve them. Yes I'm a freak I kinda enjoy studying. Nice what! No need stress over work, got pocket money, can learn new things, the worst thing that can happen is not handing in your homework. The working society is so much scarier.

Wait 1 more thing to rant. No A for chinese fml. I pinned all my hopes for an A for chinese. Disappointment much.

Anyway enough of results if you wanna know the actual grades ahem, msn me or what. :D
You know who you are. :D

Next, still about school. (Sorry a lot of things to blog about school today).
We are changing a lot of teachers next year. NO MORE MR SEE THO WTHHHHHHH I LIKE HIM A LOT A LOT A LOT A LOT x infinity. :(:(:( Hope the new GP tutor can be as great as him. Also, Ms Goh is leaving as she is delivering too! All the best hahaha! And changing econs tutor too? wtf is wrong with the school lor I like most of my teachers. Okay, in fact all are nice okay. Haizxzzx.

(I know it's getting pretty lengthy but idk why I've a lot of blog! Good what so you have more things to read!)

Last thing, about school too.
Innov8 is closing down. AWESOME -.- So we have to change CCA. Initially I wanted to join Band but need background. Fine don't want recorder background one. hahahaaaa. Then bobian only left NMA and change pacer. There is absolutely NO way for me to join change pacer so NMA lor. PS is like full of people so we chose IT and now they say need background too? Seriously -.-. But I chose IT anyway. Whatever la so irritated. Still told us can choose any CCA we want as long as we have passion. Passion my head.

Moving on to after school.

Slacked a while while in canteen after lessons had ended. Stupid rain really made my journey to cwp tedious. But thank god I carry umbrella around nowadays. Rainy season y'know. Super qiao when I got out of the lift I saw them. Went to Cathay (luckily they got the tickets earlier love them!) and you know what we watched? you know you know you know?

Harry Potter! (: 

Sorry no spoilers no ratings. But all should just go watch it. Waiting for Part2, which is the last HP movie. A bit sad. Anyway I find the story about Deathly Hallows very interesting. Go check that out if you want. Or just catch the movie C: 

After which went to get Japanese Pizza woooh lotta mayo and the fish thingy. 

That pretty sums up my day. I got back the external DVD thingy yeah no need to load my drama already! (I got the disc yupyup)

If you're wondering what show I'm watching (or re-watching), it is:

It started with a kiss.
Why I like this show
- Romance? Check
- Innocent or foolish love? Check
- Cute female and male lead? Check (Prefer the male lead with shorter hair)
- Good ending? Check
- Good twists/climax/whatevs? Check
- Funny? Check
- Related to school? Check
And the male lead is...
Extremely smart, good in everything, Tall, Cute, Hawt, Thick eyebrows, Acceptable hair and body, Humorous, Caring, loves the girl, good future and the most important thing is, impossible to get in real life. (Drama are to fantasize about perfect people/things that happened, right?)

Furthermore, the girl/guy is not third party. Yaaay ftw. 

That's why, I never get sick of this show, at least for now. Tata go nap a while first. :D

1. Can't seem to find the perfect picture for today's post. Hmm..
2. J8 tmr. Tired leh.
3. No school in the morning woooo
4. I like my song, you like?

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