by - November 19, 2010

Let' Talk About Facebook

Let me ask you all a question, what does facebook meant to you? Well, let me tell you, what facebook means to me.

The moment I click on my firefox, I will straight away open 3 tabs. The first will be blog (I also don't know why I bother to do so since there isn't any comment box/tagboard. I just do it anyway. Perhaps I'm scared someone hacked me and post retarded stuff? Idk seriously). The second will be facebook while the third will be twitter.

Facebook, or 脸书 (ps I'm not joking this is what tw call fb), then I will check notification and leave it open till I decided to off my computer.

Facebook is a platform for my friends and I to interact, share and communicate. I hate msn big time cause they always lag me for a good thirty seconds when someone talked to me. This especially pissed me off when I'm not in the mood for a chat, busy or loading videos. Btw, not saying fb chat will not lag me. It still do just not as badly.

Next, it has lots of things to see, play, read. Baking life and restaurant city are my old flames but I stopped playing as it's pretty boring over time. Like some quizzes cause it's pretty fun and even true in some cases.

Lastly, you can practically connect to everyone. Check out the pictures > oh she looks interesting > Check out her page > Proceed to add her if I want

Note, I only add people I know, people that are either from Innova or Riverside (unless I find them not as friendly) or friends' other half. I'm stalker much. D: Just interested ma. I believe if you are together with my friend at least we should know each other right? It's like a basic thing.(mostly apply to girls only, guys a bit sensitive). Hence, I don't understand why some people go around adding people, even the ones they don't know. How do they even find my page. It's not like my email is publicly displayed or what.

I don't get it.

Hahaaa tired already let me nap for 10 minutes. tbc.

Obviously over ten minutes but I'm all refreshed after the nap.

By the way continuing from the topic - facebook. I wonder ,who actually read through all the quizzes I took. I find them quite true leh! Really!
Go see go see alright.

okay enough of facebook. Back to real happenings of the day.

To Be Frank I Used To Be A Sloth
But don't go around saying I'm a lazyhead 

Cause of this:

The sloth is an arboreal (tree living) animal that moves very slowly. Because of this, its name has taken on the meaning of a slow, lazy person. However the sloth is not moving slowly because it is lazy (we misunderstood this poor thing). It lives in an area where eagles are the major predator. Eagles, like most predators, have very keen eye-sight and are particularly able to detect movement. When the sloth moves through the trees very slowly, it is hard to detect its presence. Thus, the sloth's slow speed is really an advantage against its major predator.

Alright above is pretty.. random but hey I believe you learned something right? See it's good to read my blog you learn a lot things hiakhiak ^^.

Anyway today had 2 lectures, physics and maths Thank god physics is short. Basically more of recapping. Oh there's like lots of time after Maths lecture before Physics lecture. So we had hmm super early lunch and then went to MC to slack.
Basically discussed about anything under the sun - from penguins (you know who start this, don't you? :p) to plastic surgery. Woooh we're like forums. And I like forums.

Took a souvenir (That is a band and collar pin) for yog, again. The collar pin is selling at $7.90 at BHG (!!) I suspect no one wants it anymore so the committee distribute to the volunteers. LOL.

Went back to class, pack the lockers then went off.
Kind sw lend me her ezlink card. Took mrt to bishan, Ape got off at Semb.

Hmmm luckily I still manage to find Xt and Jo. Discussed and tmr meeting again to embark on the first part of our project.

To pasir ris, good luck. Meeting place is MJ side gate, Nice.... -.-

Parted and when you're in bishan, not peak period, what would you do? SEARCH FOR KOI

Bought a large cup of love (actually pretty ex to think about it, almost 1 macvalue meal -___-). Wait was about 30 minutes, not bad la.

Can request for without ice or not! Damn irritated when I bring home for sis the ice melted and tasted so NAWT nice. :(

Guess drinking it right away is the best, uhuh.

And another piece of information to make you wiser,
Wait let me tell you why this topic first.

We were talking about fat dogs (I like lumpy dogs :D) and then somehow we talked about dogs having their period and sometimes the blood will drip onto K's bed (ya, er?). According to Y and K dogs lick their menses blood. You can choose to get them a pad. LOL. I totally don't know animals do get their period too. Maybe sometimes will moodswing?

And then, we wonder, penguins have period or not?

Answer is, no. Lol.
Penguins lay egg dude.
Didn't cross reference I just went to wikianswers. If there's any error do inform me in case I go around making a fool outta myself.

(: Randoms:
1. I think I'm animal-crazy but I will never be a researcher in Africa observing one group of animals for the rest of my life, I will never be a vet and also never work in a pet shop (a few days is fine though)
2. Stalked some people in RS hahaha! (curious ma) and I'm excited about D&D next year after looking through their prom. Hahaaa! hope there is!
3. okay I am going to eatz now and sleep. Tmr will be a long long day.

Note to self: Need a good rest.

Updated 10:34pm: Happy! Gonna off com and it's like super early!! Earlier than yesterday even~ Woooh I'm a good girl. Going to prepare for tmr meeting and tuition.
Also, I've been looping the same song for the past few days and sisters are frustrated haaaa! Changed a new one. You like this?
I like.

Another thing is I finally figured out the lyrics of the previous song. Let me explain hehehee.

Here's the part I don't get it (sorry this is in chinese)


Initial thoughts (don't judge me for this okay): Why when the guy still gave up = love? huh?
Then after deciphering for so long, I finally understood.

It means that even when the girl says: 如果这不是结局   如果我还爱你   如果我愿相信   你就是唯一
The guy still chose to give up. 
The girl know the guy give up but still love him = love 
Okay right or not? Hahaaa! I think I'm pretty good with inference (credit to History)

是我证明 我爱你

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