by - July 21, 2008

:D Monday blue! :(
wet day, isn't it?

Today we had photo taking. Looking back, times seems to FLY.
Really FLY. It's like ytd 2/6 took class photo, now, 3/4

< 3 I miss 2e6!

Hahs; I lost one of my school skirt and I really can't understand HOW I lost it.
Then exams are coming, :( muggggg hard.
How is my blogshop going to survive?
LOLS, engaging a advertiser alrdy.

Today tio panseh TWICE. I'm so going to alter my rules in bs. Waste my time&money.

Tmr racial harmony day, going to wear tranditional costume to sch :X
I'll see whether I have time to edit some pictures later on.

LOVe, Jielin.

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