You Showered Me Love, Yet Brought Me Aches ♥
I'm sorry people, I've to take back my words,
Only 9 pathetic pictures snapped on that day itself, because batt was running flat.
And 9 of them are zilian pictures with sistas + one of them failed .___.'''
But anyway, I'll bring you through, wordily :D
After a short tuition (perhaps 30minutes) I went out to meet kokhui for a while plus get payment.
Really sorrrryyyyy :(:( I did sth really bad to him just now.
He got a haircut :D But still cute lur! (:
Nono, cuter haha.
Ok, then waited for parents to pick me up and drop nephew off, and we're off to idk where.
-___-'' Hotel we went to it "M Hotel"
Well, not as grand as the dinner last time in the 5star hotel, so I presume this is a 3~4star one?
Highlights of the nights :
Opening, the newly weds made their appearance, well, we're arranged at the back, can't really see the video, BUT it was bad.
Boy Child pictures > Girl Child pictures > grow up > marry?
Omg, why's the important parts? when they're dating?
Let me focus on fooooooood :/
- Mixed Dish (or whatever you call it)
The curry puff was pretty good too, others, well, normal. D:
- Shark Fin Soup
- Abalone with vegs
- Fish
- Drunken Prawns
Think for the majority, :D it would be a better choice
- Roasted Chicken
- Some mee?
Told him abt it and he's effing happy haha.
- Yam Paste!
Had a small small bowl :( They only have enough for all siah.
- Wedding cake
Cheese is thick and have a faint taste of sour-ness in it, nice !:D
His pantries and bread very nice de k! In bt batok :D
All this, 800bucks for a table? OMG. ex ex ex ex ex ex .
The thing is, we had a lot a lot of wine. White wine [:
very nice.
Our table opened half a dozen, :D
Because we have jiu gui here haha
I have 7~8(?)white wine, 2&half chinese tea, 1sprite !
I filled my stomach with all that.
Not food, with such little amt given.
ambiance, Fail
food, Fail
Wine, Pass
Happy marriage ~
I wouldn't be like this in the future. My wedding = perfect xD
When home mom was talking to us about this issue, LOLS.
Well, I guess we would talk more about it when I'm getting married XD
And I wonder, by then would I still have jielinnnx33? :D
hope so,
so pictureeeees .
:D and be amazed by this,
No photoshop, No Make-up Pictures Up!
(I changed brightness cause too dark)
:x But hey, !:D I didn't know it doesn't look that bad uh?
Although not THAT nice too, :D
And the first set of really successful pictures taken with sistas :D

and it reminds me of:
Rose Are Red
Violet Are Blue
Sugar Is Sweet
And So Are You.
♥ random

(more to upload, I said 8 right, But jielin's too lazy to do so.Next timeeee)
You think I forgot ?!!
Right right right.
Sorry to disappoint you :c
Last night tried to mms you this :

:( But here you go, :D
alvinnnnnnn annnnnnnn (:
Happy Birthday.
You're One Great Friend, It's My Joy To Know You.
Remember How We Know Each Other?
Hahas, A Wrong Add In Friendster, Turns Us, Into Great Pals.
:D Still Remember The 10th?
Still Remember How You always Cheer Me Up When I'm Down?
Still Remeber How You "sa-yang" Me ?
Hey Look, Though I Don't Always DADAXIANNNNG In Msn Anymore,
But You,re, Still Important.
:/ I really hope our animalship don't fade ok!:D
Love You lots! Happy birthday oh! Old Da Xiang .
(cannot be DDX anym uh? ODX = old da xiang)